Thursday, 17 April 2014

Author Interview Series – Charles McGarry

This week I have the pleasure of hosting author (and ex-pastor) Charles McGarry. A few months back,  I reviewed his book, Breaking the Mold: Confessions of a Hippie Ex-Pastor, and really wanted to have him for the AIS. I'm glad he accepted my invitation.  Just like his book, his answers were short but insightful. Without further ado, Charles McGarry. Information about the giveaway will follow the interview. Have you always written or is it something that came later in life? I did some writing in my early teens, but nothing...

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Review Wednesday – Blood Sister

Even if you're not a History buff, chances are you've heard of Henry VIII, the infamous 16th century English king who married six times. Ever wondered what were the reasons behind his actions (other than his immediate pleasure)?  Some believe he was a bit crazy by the end (watch this awesome documentary for more on that,) but chances are his reign was greatly influence by his grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, who against all odds, managed to come out victorious of the civil war we know as the War of the Roses.  If you want to know more...

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Blog Hop!

Things have been a bit slow on the blog side so what better than a fun blog hop to bring things back to life!  I was tagged by Canadian author Christine Miscione (see my interview with Christine here.)  Here goes nothing! Yay for bathroom selfies! What am I working on? I am currently working on a novel that differs a lot from what I usually write.  It’s a love story. *GASP* Don’t worry, no cloying harlequin format for me.  This story – or at least variations of it – has been on my mind for a really long time and...

Friday, 14 March 2014

Dreamers Interview Series – Owen Hortop ~ Q&A and Giveaway winner

Here is the answer to the question that was asked to Owen: Anonymous asked Collegiate Shag - one of the "funnest" dances. What is your favorite music to Shag to? One or two specific songs, svp. I mix it up as often as I can - but generally I'm a tradjazz (New Orleans style jazz) fan. From that genre I love "Riverboat Shuffle" by Eddie Condon. If I'm in the mood for something more big band, Gene Krupa's "Ball of Fire" is awesome. A lot of Shag dancers like to dance stuff around 250 BPM just to show off, but there's much to be said for...

Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Unthinkable

For the longest time, I swore that I would never get an ereader.  I loved books too much and would not be corrupted by the digital world.  Well the joke is on me now. In the light of recent events (which are partially responsible for my silence on ATUA in February,) I have decided to get rid of my books and buy a kobo ereader.  This wasn't an easy decision to make. Some of the books I owned I had purchased when I was a high school student (mostly French literature classics.)  But the more I thought about it, the more...

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Dreamers Interview Series – Owen Hortop

After a much needed hiatus, ATUA is finally back online!  And what better way to start afresh than by  interviewing an awesome guy.  I give you Owen Hortop, swing dancer teacher at Cat's Corner (and so much more!) Owen was one of my first swing dance instructor and he's an amazing teacher.  Without further ado, here's the interview. Information about the giveaway will follow the interview. Tell us a bit more about what you do. My job is (along with several other people) to keep Cat's Corner operating. That can entail...

Monday, 10 February 2014

Slowing down

Lately, I have had a hard time keeping up with the blog.  Many things are happening in my private life and it's  been difficult to keep ATUA afloat.  As a consequence, I will slow down and post a little less.  I thank you for your understandin...
